Author: Pineapple

Hawaiian Dream Dessert

1 package white cake mix
3 ounces lime jello
1 cup hot water
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp grated lime rind
2 tbsp lime juice
3 egg whites
2 1/2 cups crushed pineapple, drained
1 cup heavy cream, whipped and sweetened
3/4 cup flaked coconut

Prepare, bake and cool one 8″ layer cake. Dissolve Jello in hot water; add 1/4 cup sugar, lime rind and juice. Chill until it begins to thicken. Beat egg whites until foamy; beat in remaining sugar until whites are stiff. Fold in Jello mixture. Chill, stirring occasionally, until mixture begins to set. Fold in pineapple. Pour into lightly oiled 1 1/4 quart bowl. Chill until firm. Unmold onto cake layer. Frost cake and mold with whipped cream. Sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Angel Dessert Recipe

1 white angel food cake, crumbled
1 quart crushed pineapple, drained
3 cup milk
4 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
1 small jar maraschino cherries, drained
2 package gelatin
1.2 cup cold water
1/2 tsp salt
4 egg whites
2 cup cream or evaporated milk
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup chopped walnuts
1 package shredded coconut

Place half of the angel food cake pieces in the bottom of an oblong cake pan. Next, cut up maraschino cherries, then the drained, crushed pineapple and the remaining cake pieces. Cook milk, egg yolks and sugar until it coats a knife; add the gelatin, softened in cold water, with the salt, Cool, then add the egg whites, stiffly beaten, the cream and lemon juice. Pour over cake and cover with chopped nuts and shredded coconut. Chill overnight. Makes 25 Servings of Angel Dessert.

Ambrosia Recipe

2 1/2 cups crushed pineapple
1 dozen oranges
1 medium size fresh coconut or 1 cup flaked coconut

Obtain fruit pulp and juice from oranges, being careful to remove all membrane and seeds. Remove hull and brown covering of coconut and grate coconut, using a fine grater. The coconut milk may be used if desired. Combine grated coconut, coconut milk, orange pulp, juice and crushed pineapple. Sugar may be added if the mixture is not of desired sweetness. Chill and heap into sherbet dishes. Garnish with red or green cherries or mint leaves. Makes 20-25 servings of Ambrosia.

Molded Ambrosia
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup butter, melted
1 cup crushed pineapple
1 package orange flavored gelatin
1/3 cup sugar
1 cup hot water
1 cup sour cream
1/4 tsp vanilla
1 cup diced orange sections
1/2 cup flaked coconut

Combine crumbs and butter; reserve 1/3 cup for topping. Press remaining crumb mixture into an 8″ x 8″ x 2″ baking dish. Drain pineapple, reserving syrup. Dissolve gelatin and sugar in hot water. Stir in reserved syrup. Chill until partially set. Add sour cream and vanilla; whip until fluffy. Fold in the pineapple, oranges, coconut; pour over crumbs in dish. Sprinkle top with reserved crumbs. Chill until firm. Cut in squares. Trim with maraschino cherries. Recipe makes 9 servings of Molded Ambrosia Dessert.

Pineapple Punch

2 package limeade mix
2 cups sugar
2 quarts water
46 ounces pineapple juice
2 quarts ginger ale

Combine limeade, sugar, water and pineapple juice. Just before serving add the ginger ale. Pour the entire mixture over ice cubes. A sprig of mint or bits of maraschino cherries may be added. This Pineapple Punch recipe serves 75.

Pineapple Banana Eggnog

1 banana, fully ripe
1 cup milk, cold
1 egg, beaten
2 tbsp pineapple juice
1 tbsp vanilla ice cream

Slice banana into a bowl and beat with rotary beater until creamy, or press banana through coarse sieve. Add milk, egg and pineapple juice; mix thoroughly. Add ice cream. Serve at once. Makes 2 servings of Pineapple Banana Eggnog.

Pineapple Eggnog

3 eggs, separated
3 tbsp sugar
1/2 cup crushed pineapple
1/2 cup cream
1 cup milk
whipped cream

Beat egg yolks until light and foamy. Add sugar and beat well. Add pineapple, cream and milk; stir to blend. Beat egg whites until stiff; fold into pineapple mixture. Four into punch cups. Garnish with whipped cream and pineapple. Makes 4 to 6 servings of Pineapple Eggnog.

Pineapple Mint Sparkle Beverage

1 cup mint jelly
3 cups unsweetened pineapple juice
1/2 cup lemon juice
3 1/2 cups ginger ale, chilled
1 1/2 cups water

Combine mint jelly and water. Heat and stir over low heat until jelly melts. Cool. Add pineapple juice and lemon juice. Chill. To serve, place ice cubes in tall glasses; fill half full with fruit mixture. Fill remaining half with ginger ale. Stir to blend. Makes 10 servings of Pineapple Mint Sparkle beverage.

Fruit Smash

2 cup hot water
2 package strawberry gelatin
6 cups cold water
1 1/2 cups lime or lemon juice
20 ounces pineapple juice
5 cups orange juice
1 cup sugar
6 bananas, fully ripe
1 quart ginger ale, chilled

Add hot water to gelatin in large mixing bowl; stir until dissolved. Add cold water and fruit juices; stir in sugar. Chill . Just before serving, whip bananas until smooth and creamy; beat into mixture. Add ginger ale. Garnish with fluted slices of bananas, pineapple, lime, lemon or orange. Makes one gallon of Fruit Smash.

Pineapple Apricot Shrub

8 1/2 ounces crushed pineapple
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup apricot nectar
2 cup cracked ice
maraschino cherries for garnish

Combine all ingredients in glass container of blender. Cover and blend until smooth; about 30 seconds. Serve in tall glasses. Top with maraschino cherry. Makes 3 servings.

Pineapple Slush

2 bananas, mashed
2 oranges, juice and pulp
2 lemons, juice and pulp
8 ounces crushed pineapple
1 tsp grated lemon and orange rind
1 cup sugar
1 pint ginger ale

Mix all ingredients, adding ginger ale last; stir well. Freeze to slush stage. Keeps well; may be used as appetizer or in place of beverage. Makes 15 servings of Pineapple Slush.